
Friday, September 10, 2010

Online Train Ticket Booking Woes – A Rant

Have you tried booking tickets online? I want to book a ticket to Ernakulam for my TED talk and it's excruciating how is denying me the pleasure. I fill in the station names and I get "Station not reachable" though I know the train touches Ernakulam Junction. Then after some time comes the irritating "Web Page Not Available" and after some time "Service Not Available." All these are new ways of saying the website is badly designed and maintained.

I heard they had revamped the website recently. I admire the sheer grit and gumption they have to put it online without testing it first for bugs. The website is full of bugs. I know because I have designed websites.

Hm. I am tearing my hair early in the morning out of frustration.

Okay, okay, I pause, once again refresh the page, hoping against hope the page has changed. Oh, misery, it's again "Station not reachable."

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