
Wednesday, September 08, 2010

At Last, I Am a TED Speaker. And My IndiBlogger Rank is 83/100

Something I wanted for a long time has happened. In fact, two things happened, all at the same time.

I have been approached to speak at a TED conference in Cochin. TED, if you don't already know stands for Technology, Entertainment and Design, which is a forum for ideas that lead to change. It bills itself as "Riveting talks by remarkable people, free to the world," and have had presidents and celebrities as speakers. My profile appears on this page.

I will be speaking on "Path Less Trodden," and how to engender change through technology, which, pardon my presumptuousness, I have been trying to do through my blog and my social networking sites. I will be speaking with emphasis on why we need engineers who write well and what opportunities are available for college graduates in journalism, web writing and technical writing.

That be one.

The second good news is that my Indiblogger rating increased from 82/100 to 83/100. I have been working towards this for a long, long time, phew! My technorati rating has been wavering around the 20,000 mark for some time. (Meaning: I am among the top 20,000 bloggers in the world.) There too I intend to catch up soon.

Am too drained and sleepy today. Got home at 10.30 p.m. after an industry function. A girl-woman came in tights and around five guys had their ears pierced, that, too, for an industry affair where they were supposed to be in their formal best. Combine pierced ear with pointed shoes and spiked hair, and you get the picture. Sorry I forgot open buttons. I am sure you do.

I wonder why nobody, I mean, nobody knows the meaning of formal dressing in India. A real pity.

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