
Thursday, August 12, 2010

Some Good News – This Blog Breaks the 20,000 Mark in Rankings Worldwide

There's some good news at last. This blog has broken the 20,000 mark in rankings world-wide. It now stands at 19,937. I have been watching it as a landmark for some time. It feels good to be among the top 20,000 blogs in the world. The only blog (that I know of) which is ahead of me is Amit Varma's India Uncut. This blog also has a Technorati authority of 135.

Feels nice for a change.

Some bad news from the publishing front. Another rejection so it seems. I am so adamant about being published the old-fashioned way though I use new media a lot. I don't know what is wrong with publishers, new or established. Yes, I know their concerns, diminishing markets, the threat of online editions pioneered by a guy called Andrew Wylie. It's the only alternative open it seems. Have a look. Let this blog know what you think.

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