
Monday, August 16, 2010

Send This Girl Your Old Magazines, Please!

I got this from writer Annie Zaidi's blog post My country, this calm morning which is a sort of Independence Day message from a girl, Sheetal Ramji Barde, asking readers to send old magazines to her. She makes envelopes from these magazine pages to earn whatever she can after her father committed suicide, one of the increasing cases of suicides by farmers about which I have written here before:

"I was barely nine when my dear father committed suicide. My mother has worked really hard to send my brother, sister & me to school. She is still working hard to make our two ends meet... all she wants is ONE OLD MAGAZINE from you all, so she can make paper envelopes to earn & save environment...

"Dear uncles & aunties,

"Please-please do send us one old magazine every month to support us, so that we can go to better schools and live our lives with dignity and less suffering. My mother and other widow mothers like her will not hesitate to work hard to earn for us while saving the environment for the nation... I will be waiting with great expectations dear uncles & aunties for ONE OLD MAGAZINE from each one of you every month... If each one of you send one, it will become so many for my mother and other widow mothers to work hard to earn some amount every month... A very BIG THANK YOU from my brother, sister, my mother and me..."


Our address:

Support 4 suicide farmers families

House No: 200

Opp: Dr. Harne's Hospital

Dhantoli Chowk

Wardha: 442001"

Incidentally friend Harini Calamur's movie Jhing Chik, Jhing, which I have been meaning to see for a long, long time is also about farmer suicides. A review of the movie appears on Poonam Sharma's blog here.


  1. hi john, like this post have shared it via ur Fb page on mine :) the intention is to promotte my mantra of 'Blogging for Change'.

  2. Hi John, thank you so much for your kind support for our movement in Vidarbha... really appreciate it from the bottom of my heart...

    A slight mistake has been made by you in your post... Sheetal, the girl is not making envelopes but it is her widow mother to earn money for better future of the family... would really appreciate if you can make neccessary changes in your copy... Sheetal is requesting for other mother & other widows, who are part of the Farmers' Widows Earn-2-Save Environment Project...


    Johnny D
    support 4 suicide farmers families

  3. Johnny, sorry for the mistake. Anyway, the purpose has been served.


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