
Wednesday, June 09, 2010

Will Bombay Get the World Tallest Residential Tower?

Bombay's and indeed India's tallest residential tower is coming up at Lower Parel. Correction: this will be the tallest in the world, given that Q1 on the Gold Coast in Australia will be dwarfed by the giant on Bombay skies, the tallest residential tower in the world. The 117-storey tower will rise like a monolith on the city's skyline. Estimated height is half a kilometer. Hm.

But is this a good thing? Imagine around 276 apartments, the total water requirement, sewage disposal, parking for cars. It will put a big strain on the eco-system in the area. Imagine 276 toilets flushing on 117 floors in the morning. Haha. Already environmental bodies are crying foul, as the cliché goes.

1 comment:

  1. john, if people of this country were concerned about how future generations are going to feed and clothe themselves, our population wpuld have remained at the same number it was post-1947. people are still watering lawns, washing cars and their concrete verandahs while half the country is quenching their thirst with water from the sewers. what is one more tower with 276 toilets? by the time this monstrosity is a reality, billions of tonnes of water will have been literally flushed down the national toilet. you are a dreamer, my friend, one of a vanishing breed of optimists!


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