
Wednesday, June 02, 2010

It rained last night

I sat up in bed. I had left the window open due to the heat and the shower wet me and I woke up immediately to the chatter of raindrops on my windowpane, the heavenliest sound in this universe.

The world outside was serene, the wind turbulent, the lightning brilliant and the thunder, well, awesome!

In the morning the roads were wet as I went for my morning walk by the dam. Well, it's a dry dam now, but it will fill up gradually. The cuckoo is still singing its sweet song and I am full of nostalgia of a very maudlin nature.

Another monsoon.

1 comment:

  1. monsoon: the only event that has been constant since childhood. black clouds, heavy downpour that drowns out every other sound. i remember standing at a bus stop, silently with other people, each of us standing there in silent isolation, thunder and sound of rain, darkening sky like midnight in the middle of day. sitting by a window, gazing at puddles formed in flower beds, steady drip of rainwater from eaves, glistening leaves.


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