
Sunday, June 13, 2010

Feverish on Football

Football fever has started. I am a great fan of soccer having played it without much distinction. I was on the bench in the only match my college – KJ Somaiya – played because there were more talented players like Kaviraj and Saswata – my friends – in our team. Great footballers. One became a professor and another is working in the private sector somewhere. We dribbled (pun intended, though it is bad) apart. I remember that the only time the ball got past the half line was when Kaviraj made a foray there, in the second half. Football or life, Kaviraj made it all look like poetry. We were pitted against a college in Goa, and I guess these Goans are given some soccer-enhancing tonic each day by their maters. They beat the hell out of us. We lost 6-0.


Not all adolescences are rosy. The cricket team I captained in school also lost miserably thanks to some haphazard bowling by me.

But football is a more watchable game than cricket. Any day I will hand it to football. It is lively, isn’t luck-oriented, it’s a delight to watch a good player handling the ball so well, as if, as if, a thread connected his foot to the ball. Believe me its difficult to dribble like that and to watch it being done by a Maestro makes it look simple.

So I am glued to the telly screen, typing away this post. So, frankly, crazed fan that I am, hope I am forgiven some bloopers in this one.

1 comment:

  1. I am a big fan of football but unfortunately physical sports are not my cup of tea...


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