
Thursday, April 08, 2010

Willie and the Tech Generation's Last Ditch Stand

Skeletons keep tumbling for our playboy former-president Bill Clinton's closet. I guess this must be some kind of purgatory happening after the wanton sexual promiscuity of the nineteen-hundreds. Seems most likely since back home hidden skeletons are tumbling out, what with in-his-doddering-years N.D.T. being caught with nubile nymphs. And with spycams and cheap handicams there is a happenstance of a voyeuristic backlash for the nineteen-hundreds. Or is it the technology generation's last stand at fame and pelf?


So who's talking now? Norris Church Mailer, the wife of the late writer of the novel The American Dream Norman Mailer (who was once married to Marilyn Monroe), it so happens, has written a memoir entitled A Ticket to the Circus. The book is all about her rather eventful relationship with the famous author from the point she met him, (she was 26 and he was 52), through his death. However, what's interesting is that either Church Mailer or her publishers have chosen to focus on another, saucier and interesting relationship, with a 27-year-old Bill Clinton, that the author flourishes into to make her book disappear from shelves. Here's an excerpt published in the Daily Beast courtesy Mediaite:

"He was 27 years old, single, and named Bill Clinton. I came in late, just as he began his talk, and he later said that when he saw me walk in, he forgot his speech—and then he forgot his name. I suspected he said that same thing to quite a few women, but it's a good line, so why not use it?"

Says my friend Kuriachen Kuriakose, "It's not wanton sexual promiscuity, my dear sir, it's 'In Search of Sexual Excellence,' authored by none other than Willie of always-at-the-ready lingam and the libidinous author of books such as 'Naked and the Dead'," and he smiles gleefully.

One thing is sure the two-thousands are going to be a puritan's paradise for sure. Believe me we have enough spycams and mobile cameras to ensure that.

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