
Friday, April 30, 2010

Sunanda’s Story

This post on Shobhaa De's blog is about a certain Sunanda who has some association with a cricket league that ended recently. Not being judgmental, neither being in a mood to comment, I say, "Let peace and grace prevail."

1 comment:

  1. post-IPL3, tharoor-pushkar saga is over. he has returned to actually working for the benefit of his state - all that travelling and dining did not leave any time for improving the lot of kerala. i am very happy to see this. once you hold political office, you are forced to build up networks instead of concentrating on your life's calling. agree? now regarding the other half: she has resumed her life, glamour and business combined. lalitmodi is also back to doing what he does best: go figure, i leave it to your imagination and discretion! T20 is on and we don't even know it! we are still "discovering" the secret hand behind the bangalore blasts - i don't think they qualify as "blasts", merely a diversion. really worried about the CWG security - people in this country are very apathetic - "it always happens to someone else".


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