
Sunday, April 25, 2010

Stilled Voices

Stilled voices
It’s only noises
And Advertisement
And Entertainment.(Chorus)

Newspapers full of lies
Television anchors are salesmen in disguise.

Sportsmen play a weird game
After all, they are after money and fame.

They worship these nomads
And say they are the modern-age gods.

Stilled voices
It’s only noises
And Advertisement
And Entertainment.(Chorus)

Music’s everywhere, catharsis
Music’s now synthesis.

Do you sing your songs?
Or, are you afraid to sing?

Do the noises make sense?
Are there rhythm and cadence?

Stilled voices
It’s only noises
And Advertisement
And Entertainment.(Chorus)

Give the poor televisions
Nothing better to destroy their vision.

No, it’s not the gormint
Nor the reporters of print.

It’s them corporate men
Natty ties, suits and powerpoints, Amen.

Stilled voices
It’s only noises
And Advertisement
And Entertainment.(Chorus)

P.S.: I usually post poems on my poetry blog. However, since I have nothing else to post today, here it is. Got to keep up my blog ratings (if I don't post for a day down it goes, southward), you know.


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