
Monday, April 26, 2010

SEC Officials Were Watching Porn Not Regulating Market

This is conclusive proof how the world-wide recession came about. It says **grin** that Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) officials who were supposed to monitor the financial markets were watching free porn. Porn, when the world financial indices were taking a tumble? Wassup?
Senator Chuck Grassley ordered an enquiry and what apparently came out was that the official were busy in matters libidinous than financial. It's easy for office drones to mask their surfing activities from their lords and masters. Use a proxy browser, and you can hoodwink firewalls and gatekeepers. Makes me wonder our own SEBI officials were doing when the Mehta-gate and Parekh-scams were happening.
Friend Kuriachen Kuriakose has a different take. "What new about this? Go into the cabins of the high and mighty in our own land, you will find worse things happening. There have been cases of head honchos of institutions having their own moles planted in their office [official omerta, so to speak], just like sailors who have girlfriends in every port of call. All show a decadent bourgeoisie mentality."

1 comment:

  1. so, SEC officials were watching figures on screen. but that's their job! figures are figures onlee! maybe, this came under stress-busting activity, like the laughing clubs management wants every office to organise. this is exactly what our customs and excise depts do, our censor board and trade ministry do - they filter the smut before the innocent general public is exposed to it.


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