
Saturday, April 10, 2010

Honour Killings Continue in Harayana

The saga of honour killings is indeed sad. Not a month has passed since the court sentenced five members of a Khap Panchayat for the honour killing of Manoj and Babli and the following is reported in Times of India.

"Honour killings in Haryana claimed two more lives as the brother of a 16-year-old girl strangled her to death for being involved with a boy of the same village, on Thursday. A day after the girl was killed, the boy committed suicide in school.

"Rakesh Kashyap [the unfortunate lover of the girl], 18, was found hanging from a tree in his school in Bhainswal village of Sonepat district."


  1. as technology catches up with the people, they begin to question traditions and outdated practices. i don't understand how "same gotra" marriages are a sin in a country where some cultures have uncles marrying nieces, first cousins marriages. will someone explain heredity and gene structure to these villagers who daily blame women for the female births? women emancipation is such a joke in this country. do we deserve technological progress and opening up of global horizons when half the country is inhabited by neanderthals? how does the honour killings and female infantricide sit on the same platform as the iphone , the metro, the commonwealth games? if i had some power as an international figure, i would impose economic sanctions on this country for human rights violations, rampant corruption and moral ineptitude.

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