
Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Arundhati Roy Reporting from Maoist Country

I am reading this interesting account of Arundhati Roy's foray into the Maoist controlled hinterlands of the country. I won't comment as the contents are self-evident. Must admire her courage in risking life and limb, in my opinion. Whatever her detractors say, I think she is the voice of the conscience of the nation, the unheard voice of the oppressed. Here's for more power to her pen.


  1. maybe, her prowess with the pen gives her protection from a people who resort to violence just to make a point. and before every one says that they represent the "oppressed of the country", think again. the people who bear the brunt of their violence are the oppressed they say they represent. and their connections with the terror organisations and their propensity for looting weapons, the less said the better. is roy thinking she has any influence on their thinking just because she wrote a pro-maoist tome? so many writers and reporters visited veerappan but he still indulged in his favourite activities. i hope she has better luck. or else with her celebrity she is giving them an audience and a platform to escalate their disruptive activities. i don't know what to think. i maybe wrong in weighing her actions against her motives. i really want to know what you think.

  2. I agree with you; she is brave indeed

    In defense of Arundhati Roy, I wrote this. Love your comments....


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