
Wednesday, March 03, 2010

Amitabh’s Diatribe


I am a big fan of Amitabh, been since I saw in long-forgotten movies like Bombay to Goa, Abhimaan, Zanjeer, Kasauti (remember? With Hema as his heroine?), Dost, et al, and as a fellow blogger he amazes me with his command over the language, his erudition, his fairness, his angst when he is attacked. He is not only a superstar, he is a super human being to be being so active and involved when his rivals of those days – Rajesh, Vinod, Dharam – have either given up or gone into hibernation. I still remember the issue of Star & Style (remember?) where he was featured in an inside page as a promising new talent along with the likes of Benjamin Gilani, Vinod Mehra (remember?). On the cover they had the handsome Kiran Kumar (remember?).

Oh, how time passes.

So I am again awed when I read his diatribe on a certain newspaper group for printing some news about his daughter-in-law with which he doesn't agree totally. Again he is superb here when he is in a reflective mood.

1 comment:

  1. ok so mr bachhan can wax lyrical about his microcosm (biwi, bahu, baby) once in a while. and the sign of a true fan is the one who calls "diatribe" the rants of his hero!! i wish people who have been gifted with the gab would put it to better use, e.g if only he had written in similar vein when our own barefoot picasso (mf hussain) was being targetted by the Sangh. well, this is what the freshly annointed citizen of qatar will have us believe. i wonder if qatari patience would still be extended when mf comes up with a mind-boggling painting of their religious icons!!


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