
Saturday, February 06, 2010

Kala Ghoda Festival Opens Today; Some Great Films on Show

The Kala Ghoda Arts Festival (KGAF) is opening today and I intend to be there in the afternoon and evening. I intend to catch Costa Gavras film "Amen" at the Cama Hall. I have never seen any Casta Gavras film, about which I have heard such a lot.

Facebook friend Vinta Nanda is curating the film section and I can see from the program (the program at kalaghoda association website wasn't opening so I had to get it from friend Ignatius D'souza) is excellent with the likes of Kurosawa's Ran (not to be confused with Rann, running (alliteration, hehe) in theatres). Some great films have been put together by Vinta and I, a film addict, full support her efforts and will try and catch as many as I can. (After all, one can't see these classic films in multiplexes, can one?)

So "hie thee thither" (as the Bard would say) and sink into a chair and catch great sights and sounds happening before you on the silver screen.

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