
Saturday, January 23, 2010

The Sad, Sad Case of Ruchika Girotra

It's a pity. Really is. A pity that it should, or, could, happen in modern India, an independent India whose republicanism we are celebrating only three days from now. A man who is supposed to protect the honour of pubescent, pre-adult children, allegedly molested her and then terrorized her family into submission using his position as a director general of police and forced her, virtually, into committing suicide. Here he is unrepentantly and defiantly, defending his action. The gall of it all. Were it not for the gutsy parents of the girl's friend – who fought the case to it's final resolution recently – the case would never have come to light. May God bless you! This happened in twentieth century India, no, not in the dark ages. Can you believe it? This is only one tiny tip of the iceberg of the crimes that are going on unreported, behind the veils and curtains of modern India.

Sadly, here police consider it no duty of theirs to protect honour, property, or law. They only consider violating it, or submitting themselves to the manipulators of all these vital fundamental rights of an Indian citizen. Our hearts bleed for Ruchika and her family, the torturous ordeal they went through, the persecution they have suffered. (When the oppressor knew he couldn't persecute the girl, he took his perverse revenge on her family members. Her brother was allegedly targeted by the powerful opponent a director-general of those days, stripped naked in his locality, abused in the police custody, all to hide the very-important-policeman's guilt. Read about it here.)

It's common knowledge that policemen rape the ones they are supposed to protect, kill the ones who don't pay them regular protection money, are in league with criminals who run illegal rackets, protect the mighty who run big businesses. Is the home ministry napping? Why don't they act on the accumulated mountain of evidence? Aren't people who are appointed as director-generals of police in this country screened for previous offenses or such tendencies before they are appointed?


  1. i am reminded of the mathura rape case. no justice for the downtrodden and the decent. so many crimes go unreported because we don't trust the police. in the west, children are told to go to the police for help, here we are told to "keep quiet, who wants police-lafda". it is not the criminals we stay away from, but our own lawmen. what a shame. everyone is celebrating 60 years of being a republic, venerating 60 year olds who have survived what is "india". what about the under-60 who did not make it, on our borders, roads, schools, universities?

  2. Very true.and very sad.But no one will bother to change.Tv will sensationalise it.Thats the only extra thing thats progressed in becoming worse.


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