
Friday, January 01, 2010

Meeting at the Mithai Shop; Happiness 2010!

Happy new year, and all that. 2009 - the year that Michael Jackson died, Barack Obama became president, Tiger Woods was disgraced, 86-year-old ND Tiwari was allegedly caught in a sex romp. A lot of expectations for the new year, a lot of expectations of the year that ended. Wanted the year to end on a good note and it did. Wanted to make significant progress on the novel before the year ended, so got up early, worked, worked, worked, had lunch, worked, worked. Then the cupboard that was sitting like a shapeless elephant in the drawing room had to be shifted to the bedroom on the first floor and the sturdy labourers came and put paid to my literary endeavours. But I did make good progress on chapter 11.

Then went to the nearest mithai shop to buy some desserts for dinner, as I was celebrating new year at home, even wanted to go to bed early, as I am working today. Hm. Saw a familiar face in the mithai shop, I won't say names, for I don't have her permission. I wasn't sure. But the hairstyle, glasses, a certain air matched with pictures I had seen on FB. I was sure it was her. We were in online contact close to more than five years and had never met. We are members of an online literary group. Then I hit on an idea. I SMS-ed her. "Are you in Belapur." No reply for almost fifteen minutes. Ergo, damn, wrong surmise, I was glad I didn't barge in and ask her.

Then comes the reply "Yes!" So I go back and meet her, first time after almost five years of online messages. She was on the way to Lonavala for a new year party. Thanks friend! That's how the old year ended. As decided earlier (resolution!) did some more writing and went to bed at 11 p.m. Son, Ronnie, partied the night away at a friend's place in Panvel. The neighbor decided to keep us all awake with a raucous party on their terrace. That's how the old year ended.

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