
Sunday, December 13, 2009

Why I Hate Cricket – Part II

This is an expansion of yesterday’s post “Why I hate cricket.” Again, my apologies to those who are in love with cricket and write odes to Sachin's cover drives and metaphysical drivel on Bhajji's wicket-taking skills. There are some things that make me feel the article isn’t complete, that I haven’t been able to express all I wanted to. I hate cricket for various other reasons too.

For example, why is the Indian team chosen by zones, that too, through a politically motivated selection system? What is the fate of those thousands of boys (and girls) who practise in the hot sun to find a place in the team? It takes five days to give you the result of a game that involves throwing a ball at a man? That too, a man who takes his own time to take a stance and a bowler who rubs the ball (cricket ball, stupid, not his) obscenely and make a long run-up to the wicket.

Why this over-emphasis on one sport when there are many like football, hockey, basket ball, and countless others which will make children even better athletes? Cricket is a huge waste of time, that’s why you will find pot-bellied cricketers, not pot bellied footballers.

Cricket is a grace-less game. Look at how they sledge, how they use obscenities on the field, how they adjust their crotches in full view of the public. If it's a gentlemen's game why is it that gentlemen always finish last in the game, never get past the selectors?

It’s also an uneven game in which some players who are good gets all the action, becomes better, and the others (even if they are good) get sidelined. Look at Sachin and Vinod.

Why is it that a lot is written about cricket and cricketers in the papers and in the electronic media, at the cost of diverting attention from burning issues (pun intended) such as global warming and melting and receding of antarctic glaciers.

Apologies again. This had to be written and, so, I wrote it.


  1. "It’s also an uneven game in which some players who are good gets all the action, becomes better, and the others (even if they are good) get sidelined. Look at Sachin and Vinod."

    it's true with all games. so many good players get side lined.

    i don like either. its more because of the fact that in my school days more than 50% of my time went on fielding. it's then i decided to play football rather :P

  2. i osso hates the cricket!! not only do these stadiums occupy prime property in cities, matches create huge traffic jams and suddenly the teams that lose most games still hog tv ad space. it has become a game of numbers ($$, runs scored wickets taken) and not the test of skill it was earlier. it was a gentlemen's game, now we have foul mouthed, illiterate, shallow dimwits who waste time on the field engaged in confrontations peppered with swear words i never knew existed. bring back hockey, soccer, basketball/netball. contact sports, please!!


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