
Wednesday, October 07, 2009

Of Chastity Belts and Feign-able Virginity Kits

We have heard of chastity belts Arab men fastened on to their women when they went into the desert, we have also heard of abstinence, but the headline Los Angeles Times headlined “ Gadget to help women feign virginity angers many in Egypt” boggles, nay, flabbergasts!

“The kit allows a bride who is not a virgin to pretend that she is. A pouch inserted into the vagina on her wedding night ruptures and leaks a blood-like liquid designed to trick a new husband into believing that his wife is chaste. It's a wink of ingenuity to soothe a man's ego and keep the dowry intact.”

More at the above link. One never knows if one gets a fair bride who is also a virgin (which is a craze in the West Asian and Persian Gulf region), the fairness may be due to a fairness cream and the virginity due to a virginity kit. What next? Power dildo kits and automatic arousal contraptions?

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