
Friday, September 04, 2009

Michael Jackson Interred

So it’s official, it can lay to rest speculation about how his brain was given for research, how his genius was being cloned, et cetera. This is the news story published on Apparently it was a private ceremony in which only his close family and friends were present. The funeral service was conducted at Forest Lawn Glendale and was closed to the public and the press.

His genius of course will live on through his songs and videos in which he performed with rare energy and élan. I guess he is the last in a line of great performers of type of – Elvis, John Lennon, Paul McCartney, Jim Morison, and such like.

An era, an age has passed. People of his generation, such as yours truly, took note of the phenomenal rise and fall. Amen!


  1. i wish only the greatness of his talent lives on, not his scandals. like truman capote, oscar wilde, lennon and elvis, to name a few. personally, michael's music post-dangerous had no heart. but fantastic, all the same. now all we have to wait for are the michael-sightings.

  2. ms

    I hope and pray that it be so.




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