
Friday, September 25, 2009

Bloggers to the Fore. Product Launches, What Next?

So what’s up in the blogging community? Am a bit dense here because I haven’t attended any of their meet-ups or bothered to network, really. So the following comes as a bit of a surprise as it comes on the back of the revelation that India is among the top ten blogging nations of the world. This article on sheds a little bit of light about what has been happening behind the back of this blogger. Excerpt:

“For example, Marico’s chain of skin care services Kaya Skin Clinic targets beauty and fashion bloggers who try out their skincare packages and blog about them. In return, Kaya experts write guest posts on a monthly basis. Auto major Mahindra & Mahindra (M&M) has used blogs to release the first look of its vehicles. Not just that, M&M ensured that along with the mainstream media, bloggers were also invited to the press conference of the Xylo’s launch. Some weeks back, producers of a recent Bollywood release Toss, upset at how mainstream media had “completely ignored” the film, reached out to bloggers who could review the film on their blogs.”

Wonder who will invite me to the launch of their premium brand. Wonder!


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