
Thursday, June 18, 2009

Ganga in the Serengeti

Here's an image Ganga captured in the Serengeti

Bum-chum, writer, and wilflife enthusiast Gangadharan Menon has capture the essence of Africa in this article in Mid-day. He writes: “The tale of a species of butterflies that migrates all the way from Africa to far-away Canada and comes all the way back. But the twist in the tale is that butterflies being as short-lived as three months, it's the third generation that reaches Canada and the sixth that reaches back in Africa!”

Wow! Six generations in one migration? A life of three months, meaning a change of season? Worth going to Serengeti to check out, isn't it?

Here’s a picture of a lion he captured with his to be loved Nikon D 60 camera (when I get anywhere near this beauty, I am not going anywhere without her by my side!).

And another fact which I am not tired of harping in this blog. Way back in the seventies the state government was thinking of building a big dam in Silent Valley (a la Narmada) in Kerala. Ganga made a documentary on the valley and showed it to the then prime minister Indira Gandhi. This was during what can be described as the cusp of the emergency regime's reign. A few days later the state government did a virtual about turn and turned Silent Valley into a nature park, the pristine beauty of which can be experienced in Palghat district, Kerala.

That’s positive intervention. Like Ganga I too believe in positive intervention without taking to the streets. I guess we are a street sort of people. If only we wrote more readable and meaningful mails and talked to each other.... Anyone listening?

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