
Saturday, February 21, 2009

Shobhaa Reports from Bomb-hit Colombo!

Writer, designer, socialite, columnist and blogger (phew!) Shobhaa De is in Sri Lanka and in the midst of the attack on Colombo by the LTTE. She writes thusly on her blog.

"Was I scared? Numb? Resigned to my fate? Ready to die?? A few hours after the aerial attack on Colombo, I am still reeling and confused. There we were in the rooftop ballroom of the Taj Samudra to attend The Colombo Fashion Week where my new line of relaxed clothing - Spiritual By Shobhaa De - was to debut. We were approvimately three minutes away from the first entry of the lovely model, wearing a garland of Sri Lanka's national flower, the blue water lilly ( nil mahanil), that I had picked as it is a symbol of peace, when the power was switched off, and we were told there was an imminent aerial attack expected and Colombo was instantly enveloped in an eerie black out. Seconds later, we heard the bombs drop and the night sky lit up with flares as the anti aircraft guns went into action!"

Hope and pray she, Avantika and Aditya are well and back in Aamchi Bombay, theek thak. Goes to show nobody is immune to terror/extremist/mercenary attacks anymore.

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