
Monday, December 01, 2008

Condy to Visit India, R. R. Patil Resigns over "Small Incident"

According to this article in, Condoleezza Rice, US Secretary of State is coming on a visit to India to defuse tension with Pakistan arising out of the terror attack on Bombay recently.

"US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice on Monday urged Pakistan to give its "absolute, total" cooperation in finding those responsible for last week's attacks on Mumbai.

"Rice, who is due in India on Wednesday to try and lower tensions with its rival Pakistan, said the United States made clear to Pakistan's President Asif Ali Zardari there must be complete transparency in the investigation into the Mumbai attacks that killed nearly 200 people, including six Americans.

""What we are emphasising to the Pakistani government is the need to follow the evidence wherever it leads and to do that in the most committed and firmest possible way," she told reporters travelling with her to London, where she will discuss India-Pakistan tensions with Britain's foreign minister."

Well, it's about time the US took India's allegations seriously. And didn't Pakistani President Asif Zardari promise Manmohan Singh that its territory will not be used to launch terror attacks on India?

Meanwhile reports that R.R.Patil who said the terror attack was a small incident has resigned.

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