
Friday, October 03, 2008

Google Faces the Heat from Microsoft!


Seems Goggle Page Rank, the undisputed ranking of the effectiveness of a website bestowed by Google will have a tough competitior in Microsoft's recently launched BrowseRank. Says Michael Lowry in this article:

"Microsoft recently unveiled the details of BrowseRank, its new browsing algorithm meant to compete with and eventually outperform Google and its PageRank. Instead of measuring the links to and from a specific page, BrowseRank calculates how often users visit the site and for how long. Microsoft feels this will give Internet users, and not web developers, more control over page relevancy, thus leading to a freer, more democratic Internet.

"Search, like many things in life, is all about Rank. And right now Microsoft is a distant third, a dark and unfamiliar place for a company so used to dominating the computer industry. Indeed, Microsoft is struggling to remain relevant in the search world, peering over the shoulder of Yahoo while trying to catch a glimpse of the real superstar. Of course, I am talking about Google, the undisputed Internet Search King. As of June 2008, Google accounted for a whopping 70% of all U.S. searches, which is up 6% from June 2007. Yahoo came in a distant second with a 20% share, while MSN had just five and a half percent and barely held off Ask(dot)com for third place."

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