
Saturday, August 09, 2008

The Paradise of Copyright Infringers and Software Pirates?

This comes as a great disappointment. Two songs I loved so dearly, thinking the Hindi film music is making giant strides are “Thu Hi Mera Shab Hai” and “Ya Ali” from Gangster.

It now seems from a friend’s email that “Thu Hi Mera Shab Hai” is a copy of “Sacral Nirvana” by Oliver Shanti, watch the following video:

And, to make matters even worse, “Ya Ali” is a copy of “Ya Ghali” by Guitara
watch the following video:

I would like to ask: are we a nation of copycats, software pirates, duplicators, copyright infringers, etc. etc. I mean, look at it like this, our streets are full of pirated editions of books, music, films, and such like. Mea culpa. I don't hesitate the least bit when it comes to buying a pirated edition because it comes so cheap.

What’s the solution? Can’t we make books and CDs cheaper so that the duplicators wouldn’t dare to duplicate them as the duplicate would cost as much as the original? Any suggestions?

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