
Wednesday, July 09, 2008

Shutterbugs Rejoice! Filthy Lucre Is Waiting at Flickr!

Those of you (includes me too) who are shutterbugs, lenseyes, and click-happy can now rejoice. Getty Images, the premier image licensing agency has tied up with Flickr to licence images. Which means: if you have images uploaded in your account on Flickr they can be purchased by Getty, if they like it and meets with their requirements. Ah, hah! Some filthy lucre may be on its way to your bank accounts! This release is what Yahoo has put up on their website (read the small print as always). Excerpt:

“Getty Images has always been interested in discovering, championing and marketing great imagery. The availability of economical digital cameras and the dramatic evolution of distribution technologies over the last five years have changed the landscape of our photography industry in exciting ways. It has had a hugely democratizing effect and now image makers all over the globe are able to share and develop their imagery within global communities such as Flickr.”

Considering the six-figure amounts my employer expends on buying rights-managed images, I guess some of this passed to humble folks like us would be welcome news! Pass this on to other lenspersons.

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