
Wednesday, July 09, 2008

Back from the Brink!

Ganga in a reflective mood, back from the brink of the netherworlds, in which, first of all, he doesn't believe. Here he is at the window of his Chembur bungalow when the morning light streamed in like magic. I shot him and his silvery beard with my Nokia E61i, after we had a night of companionship with nine other friends, all classmates of forty years ago. He said, "I came back [from death] for you all, so let's meet."

He was tossed to one side by an elephant, the tusk of which entered his back and made a gash that barely missed his Aorta and his spinal column. A few centimetres here or there, he wouldn't have been here to pose for this picture. Here he is seen enjoying his second life. He showed me a list of some 40 wild life sancturies he had visited and photographed in.

As I wrote on this blog earlier, he is the one who got Indira Gandhi to make Silent Valley a national park when talk was going on to construct a huge dam in the valley and destroy all the plant and animal species there. He showed her his documentary on the Silent Valley and she, in babuspeak, did the needful.

Thanks Ganga for coming back for us! We love you for what you are and will always look up to you with awe and respect.

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