
Sunday, June 01, 2008

A Poem and All about Medical Insurance

A poem written to a friend who was in ICU recently. It was shocking how he, youthful, a fitness freak, a cyclist, maintaining a busy schedule and a robust life ended up in hospital. Shows nobody is immune to heart problems even at a young age. So take care of your heart, care for your body, eat healthy, stop smoking, drink moderately, sleep well, live happy.

I am doing all these after a recent stay in a hospital, a traumatic experience for me. The nurses were so inexperienced they couldn't insert a canula in my wrist. I suffered four days of trauma because of a friend's choice of the wrong hospital. It was even more traumatic getting paid for the treatment from medical insurance. They made me run around submitting multiple documents thought I had filed and submitted all my documents scrupulously.

But that is over now, and they say my claim has been passed. I will look elsewhere if it isn't, there are so many medical insurers around. Take Tata AIG for instance, which pays back your premium if you don't fall sick. Good isn't it? Take a look.

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