
Thursday, June 26, 2008

Amitabh on Why "We" Are So Mediocre

Says the patriarch of the Indian movie industry, the one man icon whose mug appears in every newspapers, magazines and channels in this blogpost:

"Because of the announcement of the Reliance Entertainment and our tie up, there was media bombardment from all sections. The phone was filled with queries and requests for answers and talk ins and bites from the electronic community. They are all friends and i consider it common courtesy to respond to them even if I am completely unable to comply with their requests.

There were other developments too during the day. The song that was being picturised on set for ‘Aladin’ had to be finished. Dates of artists were not available and the floor was booked by some other producer and had to be given up. Then there were creative discussions for the Tour and some recordings and rehearsals that needed to be executed. There was concern on Aishwarya’s condition and on her father’s who has recently undergone surgery. There was continuous TV ‘breaking news’ on legal and police procedures being instigated against Jaya and the desire of the channels for reactions. In between all this 3 prospective producers had been given time on set to discuss future projects and they needed attention. Some friends from the print media had sent urgent email questionaires and had ‘dead lines’ to adhere to so an urgent reply was being pushed…

And the song for the film is a romantic happy moment !! With so much on your brain is it any wonder that we are mediocre performers!!"

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