
Sunday, May 18, 2008

Peter Griffin Needs Your Prayers

Fellow blogger, writer and well wisher Peter Griffin who writes a popular column on the internet in the Times of India, and who is known for his acerbic comments both on his blog and the literary forum Caferati has suffered a heart attack and is in the ICU of a hospital in New Bombay. He is something of a writer and activist having actively supported the cause of the Tsunami victims and the hurricane victims of Myanmar recently through the World Wide Help Blog.

I met Peter in the ICU of Sterling Wockhardt Hospital, Vashi. He is feeling much better and we had a long chat. (Among the topics discussed were: his cooking style, food preferences, Anglican faith, work, biryanis, how Indian food over-uses spices [we like to dump our spice don't we?], the Mallu factor in hospitals, etc.) He seemed in the mood to talk and I didn't dissuade him. His humour and irony is as strong as ever and he seemed in good spirits. Luckily when the attack occurred a cardiologist was at home attending to his brother. So everything went off smoothly.

Seeing me in my Sunday best, he asked if I was coming straight from church. I said yes, and only then did I know how he had found out. He is as sharp as ever. He needs your prayers and I ask all his friends to pray for him. I was in hospital recently and it's through prayers of both people and mine that I recovered. Life seemed bleak, transitory and threatened lying back on the hospital bed, attended by inefficient nurses, but I was able to pull through because of the thing called prayer and faith, a tranqulity I found in the scriptures and in a novel (The Kite Runner), a medicine most people and doctors tend to ignore.

We (Vivin, Albert, Joan, self, Prakash, Manisha, Suniti, and a few other friends) are taking turns to keep vigil outside the ICU.

Peter needs your prayers and soon he will be transferred to the general ward. Anyway, if you feel you can help, you can contact him through his cell phone, which is being monitored by the people who would be attending to him at that particular time.

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