
Sunday, May 25, 2008

Mozzam Sheikh's Short Story Collection "The Idol Lover"

This came via Moazzam Sheikh who is plugging his short story collection The Idol Lover in the US.

The following is the break-up of share of writing genres in the US.

Mystery/Detective: 17%
Romance: 11%
Science Fiction: 5.5%
Religion: 5%
Bio/Autobio: 4%
General Fiction: 3%
Espionage/Thriller: 3%
Cooking: 3%
History: 3%
Fantasy: 3%
Graphic Novels: 2%
Health & Fitness: 2%
Business/Econ: 2%
Horror/Occult: 2%
Computers: 2%

Wonder what the share in India would be. Not much different I guess.

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