
Friday, April 04, 2008

The Gucci Life

This is what Pablo Ganguli writes in an article in Guardian "The Gucci Life."

Most educated, well-to-do and savvy people I know in India cannot afford a holiday in Europe and have absolutely no intention of buying international luxury goods. They say it is an abomination to spend so much money on designer items when they have a hard time as it is paying their children's school fees. And they point out the large starving population sleeping half naked right outside those very western stores. The contrast exasperates them, to say the least.

Hypocrisy has progressed splendidly in a country where religion is considered to be the most powerful tool in people's lives. Even brand-new cash machines are given religious rituals before they are put into use. Politicians are ludicrously corrupt and excellently misleading. It is therefore hilarious that some politicians are treated with almost god-like reverence. The public fall for their false charms again and again because the powers that be use religion in a huge way to build support. They are obeyed and feared. More than 90% of India is dangerously religious.

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