
Saturday, January 19, 2008

The Saga of Bilkis Bano - One Courageous Women from Gujarat!

News filters in that Bilkis Bano has received justice for her gangrape during the Gujarat holocaust (yes, I call it that). This woman should be admired. Just imagine what she went through. Six members of her family are either dead or missing, she saw her daughter's head being smashed on a stone and killed, and she was gangraped in front of her own children.

Oh God! Is there law and order in the hinterlands of one of India's most industrially advanced state, that Narendra Modi is tom-tom-ing all the time?

The fortitude with which she pursued her case was immense. She went through a gamut of emotions, petitioning the supreme court, spending three months in the witness box, and identifying all the accused. Imagine her courage, staying power, whatever.... If there is, I mean an iota of justice in this ye ol' wide universe, this is it. Kudos girl!

I would recommend that she be given an award for her courage. Anyone? You know Red and White has awards for saving people falling into wells, well, why not this?

Another news items catches the eye. The accused in the Best Bakery case (which is due for hearing in Bombay on Monday) are also running scared after learning about this verdict. Reason: the circumstances are the same - rape, killing before family members, burning, etc.

If the case was heard in Gujarat it would have been "no go" from the start.

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