
Monday, December 03, 2007

The World’s Fastest Indian

Saw “The World’s Fastest Indian” again this morning. No, no, it’s not about Milkha Singh, nor is it about PT Usha. Hehe. Quite sad isn’t it? It’s about a 1920 model of a bike manufactured by the Indian Motorcycle Manufacturing Company of Springfield, Massachusetts, which was used by the US army. Fondly these machines were called “Indian” and it looks more like our every day bicycles than a Hayabusa, or, for that matter, the Indian Hero Honda models. (Curiously enough, I have seen Parsi gentlemen, known for their fanatic devotion to their machines, riding such bikes in the Fort Area of Bombay.)

The film “The World’s Fastest Indian” starring Anthony Hopkins in the title role is about Burt Munro who is a New Zealander who worked on a model of this “Indian” bike to set up numerous land speed records for motorcycles with engines less than 1000cc at the Bonneville Salt Flats in Utah in the late 1950s. So “Indian” in this case is a bike, not a flesh and blood desi Indian. Sorry, Milkha Singh-ji, sorry, PT Usha.

Go see the movie now running on Zee Studio. Anthony Hopkins has turned in a very realistic performance, again! I love this actor! By the way I am addicted to Zee Studio which is showing some wonderful films these days. Watch out for their Satyajit Ray series on every Sunday at 3 p.m.

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1 comment:

  1. Sounds like an interesting movie, and Anthony Hopkins is one of my favorite actors. And I'd heard of the Indian -- but then I would; I'm a motorcycle aficionado. :)

    Have a great day! You've got a nice blog here. :)


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