
Saturday, December 08, 2007

'The male eunuch' by James Wolcott

Didn't know we men were so badly off until I read this article excerpt. Hee hee, couldn't help sniggering (The male eunuch). Excerpt:

"As if men hadn't suffered enough indignities of late (loss of breadwinner status, declining sperm counts, advertisements targeting erectile dysfunction and hair loss), along comes Susan Faludi, offering soothing words and a lump of sugar. Like a horse whisperer, she feels men's pain and wants to coax them out of the barn, one hoof ahead of the other. She isn't being deliberately patronising - which makes her tender concern all the more shaming. Men are now officially pathetic."

With more men taking to shaving their chests and torsos (see the famous Hritik, Shahrukh, Salman torsos, appearing like unshelled eggs. You mean they don't have a single hair on their chests? Baloney!), wonder if man is becoming more of a eunuch (considered a big insult, calling him that). Had a big fight with son when he said he wants to shave his legs like his friends do. What the muck? I said, "A man who has hair on his body is considered virile and manly. It's an eunuch who would shave his chest."

He wasn't convinced. But I will keep a close watch on my supply of shaving cream, lest he, you know, use them for some unmanly purposes.

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