
Thursday, November 08, 2007

Happy Festival of Lights!

It’s Diwali tomorrow and all my female colleagues are wearing saris, with a lot of jewelry, which makes them look exotic and nice. Diwali for my international readers is the festival of lights. When the Hindu God Ram returned after his victory over Ravan, he was welcomed by his subjects by lighting millions of small wicker lamps, a sign of their joy.

Diwali is big in north India and isn’t very big in south India. But in Bombay which falls somewhere in between it is a big festival. There are crackers, rows of lighted bulbs that festoon buildings, millions of small wicker lamps, and the whole city glows with the light of a billion points of illumination over the city of Bombay. I wonder what it would be like when looked at from an aircraft.

I am off to three days of holidays, and a bit of rest and recuperation. HAPPY DIWALI!

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