
Monday, November 12, 2007

Beautiful Skin Blog: Drink more water to get healthy skin

Well, hmm, something to break the monotony of all the serious stuff I post on this blog. The following is the wisdom from the Beautiful Skin Blog for those looking for that gori-chitti look. Excerpt from this article
Beautiful Skin Blog: Drink more water to get healthy skin follows:

"Maybe you've heard how important is water for your health, figure and well-being many times, but everything your body does it does better with a healthy supply of water, because every system in your body depends on water. Maybe if water was more expensive, people would pay more attention to drink enough of it on a daily basis, instead most of us prefer coffee, lots of soda, and alcohol, not to mention fruit juices and teas and milk and a bunch of other beverages."

So, fair maidens, not to speak of fairer mademoiselles, do visit this blog and cast a sidelong glance at this poor blogger for your glowing skin (when you get it), will you?

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