
Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Recent Publishing Acquisitions! , that veritable repository of all things literary has some interesting sales by literary agents to publishers, with kindest courtesy of the aforesaid market place, of course! Excerpts:

Diana Paxson's Sword of Aavalon, a posthumous sequel to Marion Zimmer Bradley's Mists of Avalon, dealing with the origins of Excalibur, to Anne Sowards at Roc, in a good deal, for publication in Fall 2009, by Russell Galen at Scovil Chichak Galen Literary Agency (NA). Foreign:

Brunonia Barry's originally self-published debut supernatural thriller The Lace Reader, about a woman who can see the future by reading patterns in lace who returns home to Salem, Massachusetts after her great-aunt goes missing, to Laurie Chittenden at William Morrow, in a major deal, reportedly for $2 million (NY Mag), at auction, by Rebecca Oliver at Endeavor (world English).

One for Sorrow author Christopher Barzak's The Love We Share Without Knowing, pitched as Murakami meets Dan Chaon, set in Japan, in which the lives of several strangers -- including a Japanese suicide club survivor, an American teacher of English whose lover was killed in 9/11, and a man mysteriously struck blind -- are gently linked and interwoven by love and loss and fate, to Juliet Ulman at Bantam Dell, by Chris Schelling at Ralph M. Vicinanza (NA).

German rights to journalist and arts critic Peter Murphy's John the Revelator, to Suhrkamp Insel Verlag, in a nice deal, by Lisa Baker of Faber & Faber.

Janice Y.K. Lee's The Piano Teacher, a historical novel set in Hong Kong, at the outbreak of WWII, and 10 years after, following two love affairs linked by the events of the war, to Kathryn Court at Viking Penguin, for publication in 2009, by Theresa Park at the Park Literary Group (NA).

UK rights to Clare Smith at Harper UK, in a good deal, by Julian Alexander at Lucas Alexander Whitley, on behalf of Park.

Emily Fox Gordon's novel It Will Come to Me, a comic tale set on a southern college campus, about a faculty wife trying to recapture her early literary success and reclaim her identity, for publication in spring 2009, and an essay collection, THE PRODIGAL RETURNS, including pieces that have appeared in the Best American Essays and Pushcart anthologies, with an introduction by Philip Lopate, to Julie Grau at Spiegel & Grau, by Elyse Cheney at Elyse Cheney Agency (US).

Children's: Young Adult
NYT bestselling author of Cross My Heart and Hope to Spy and I'd Tell You I Love You but Then I'd Have to Kill You Ally Carter's next Gallagher Girls novel and the first book in a new YA series pitched as Ocean's 11 meets Veronica Mars, about a girl from a family of high-end conmen who must choose between leaving the family business or saving her art thief father by pulling one last heist, again to Donna Bray at Hyperion Children's, by Kristin Nelson at Nelson Literary Agency (NA).
UK & Translation: Asian:


1 comment:

  1. Barry sold her novel with the help of Kelley and Hall Book Publicity. Visit


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