
Friday, October 26, 2007

How Google Got It's Name, Really!

Interesting bit here. About how the online world's giant of a search engine, which decides on the future of this and every other website and blog, got it's name (Why, it even owns Blogger on which this blog is hosted!). It was actually a spelling mistake, Sean Anderson typed "Google" instead of the originally agreed upon name -- Googol -- in the website name registry, and history was made, mistakenly. That spelling mistake is today a 160-billion-dollar business, dictating the future of online search. (Story in Valleywag, Silicon Valley's Tech Gossip Rag). Excerpt:

"Sean and Larry were in their office, trying to think up a good name -- something that related to the indexing of an immense amount of data. Sean verbally suggested the word 'googolplex,' and Larry responded verbally with the shortened form, 'googol.' Sean was seated at his computer terminal, so he executed a search of the Internet domain name registry database to see if the newly suggested name was still available for registration and use. Sean is not an infallible speller, and he made the mistake of searching for the name spelled as ',' which he found to be available. Where does Sean currently work? Microsoft."

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