
Thursday, September 20, 2007

This Blog Is in the 976,363rd Position on Alexa!

Whooopieee, this blog has done it, it has jumped from the 7 figure limit to the six figure one! Here’s what this blog has been thirsting, dreaming, pining for all this while. Its Alexa rank has been moving at a satisfactory clip these past days and I am now in 976,363rd position, from the 1,070,838th position a few days ago. That is a jump of 94,475 positions in the rankings in just a few days. And being a certified Search Engine Optimizer of sorts I have reasons to be proud.

This is what Alexa shows (Alexa rankings are based on Google, and so, Google, I presume, is also in concurrence with the figure mentioned below):

Traffic Rank for 976,363

India Uncut of Amit Verma is still India’s number one blog with a ranking of: 149,709. My Indian rank is in the 911th position on Not to worry, I am progressing very fast and will be in the top fifty very soon. So watch out, here I come!


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