
Wednesday, September 12, 2007

The DavVic Factor

I have nothing against the look-good industry represented by the likes of David and Victoria Beckam (I will call them DavVic, the representatives of sports and entertainment, both multi-million dollar businesses) except the following:

Firstly, why does a writer of a book – who should offer something novel and unique to the thinking process of people the world – need to look good to be worth promoting? Aren’t literary ideas worth their salt anymore? Is it because of the DavVic factor?

Secondly, sports and entertainment have been hijacked by the sponsorship brigade and have been turned into businesses for the benefit of the DavVic brigade. I would have rather preferred to keep it in the old fashioned “sportsmanship” and “showmanship” matrix, after all, who wants spoilsport businessmen who fight association elections like dogs to manage a sport? Be a sport, will you, and give sports to the sportspersons?

Thirdly, and what promoted Victoria to write a book (Learning to Fly) and the publishers to publish it? Doesn’t it show the stupid brainlessness of the publisher who put it through the press? Will this prompt David to try his hand too?

Fourthly, does the beauty business have an, ah, well, ulterior motive in promoting the looks of these celebrity writers, sportspersons, entertainers to sell their fairness creams, vanishing creams, make-up, etc. at highly inflated prices. Does it help the couturiers to sell their skimpy dresses for prices that would feed a family of five in Palanpur for a year?

I know looks are important, always have been, but haven’t the whole manufacturing-promoting-sponsoring-advertising-publishing industries been overdoing the DavVic factor? Should all the plain-looking, obese, thin, dark people of the world kill themselves like suicidal lemmings?

Just some thoughts that passed through my mind. As Anthonybhai would say: “Whaddappen, no, men, my item should be beautiful-ich only, no?

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  1. hi John, who says dark or thin people or for that matter obese people don't look good?

    If you think so, take a look at the before and after pictures of "plain-looking" people who enter competitions on tv. A lil bit of grooming and a confident smile is all it takes and voila!

  2. Agreed a bit of grooming and a confident smile can go a long way but I was talking of the popular myth created in people's minds which, as you will agree, has seen the nemesis of many aspiring young talent.

    Those on Indian Idol and other competitions have reached there despite being ordinary looking. Speaks for their courage but what of the thousands who didn't make it? For them it could be a painful experience.

    However, my post was also about the exploitation of the craze for looking good by the sellers of creams and shampoos.

    Thanks for the comment :) Do come and comment some more.



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