
Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Attack on my poem “Let’s Get Mad”

Someone attacked my poem “Let’s Get Mad” saying it is a “rather poor” poem, in this thread on Shakespeare and Company. I had written it in the omnipresent “Rap” style and, being my first-born “Rap” song, had hoped (rather fervently), that it would click with Shakespeareans. Some grammatical issues have been corrected in this post on “Poetecstasy” – my poetry blog. Ho hum, don’t have the making of a rapper for sure (sniff! sniff!).

“Anil your comment is rude and not in consonance with a literary forum which is open to all sorts of experimentation and interpretation. I mean, where else can one try out something that is so omnipresent in the media today except in a literary forum? I was trying out a "rap" sort of song; obviously the "rap" genre isn't one of my strengths. As you may be aware (am I assuming too much here?) rap songs employ syncopation using 4 beats, which I have used throughout the poem. And believe me, as a member of a choir (and as a person who reads poetry in five languages including Marathi) I know what beats and syncopation means.

“But the use of the word "Rather poor" is what rankles. You have shown your lack of tact here. Some of the other threads where you have commented also bear witness to this. Your understanding of poetry is based on what sounds good to your ear and what sounds bad. This is being judgemental and for someone who is so judgmental I don't mind being judgmental myself.

“Srinivasan, you can't make someone who doesn’t discern fundamental distinctions understand finer concepts like repetitions, beats, chorus, refrains and reprise. So, let it be.

“Ravi thanks for stating that my words resonate. I have deliberately used the syncopation of Rap music and it's four beats to show my anger with a service provider. Recently I changed my credit card service provider and was almost instantly inundated by calls from their competitors. Go ahead with your website I will support you on this.

“Rupa, I will do as you suggest. I will swat this one and get on with my life!”


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