
Sunday, March 04, 2007

Panorama view of Victoria Terminus (click on picture for an enlarged view)

This is my first panorama photograph of the amazingly beautiful Victoria Terminus. You can see the architectural beauty of British builders and architects, splendidly displayed in the dome, the towers, and arches. The architecture is Victorian Gothic but has many permutations exists with Indian styles, especially the arches. There are gargoyles, frescoes, cornices, and beautiful Mughal style windows everywhere. It was crafted by architect Fredrick William Stevens in 1887-1888. It is not one genre of architecture, but a mixture of many. The imposing central dome had Queen Victoria's statue, which was replaced by something of no certain provenance.
My brother-in-law used to work here and I have memories of visiting him in a cavernous hall with arched ceilings, that leaked during monsoon. The roof is paved with tiles and being very old, I don't remeber how old, the structure is succeptible to water seepage during rains. Extensive renovation has been carried out recently.

The structure is made from sandstone imported from Rajasthan and the workers who toiled on the structure were mainly Indian. Go here to read more about Victorial Terminus' history. This was clicked on my Nikon Coolpix L3 using its Panorama maker interface and put together using Arcsoft's Panorama Maker.
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