
Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Milestone crossed, 5000 visitors!

This blog has crossed the 5000-vistor milestone. See the numbers at the bottom center of this page. Thank you visitors! You make me very proud. Though I am one of the earliest bloggers in India (I started blogging in August 2003), regretfully, I hadn't put a visitor count code on my blog. I redeemed this only later. I hope to make you come back again to read my views, news, trivia about things literary and search in the search boxes in the top right hand corner.

If you are a journalist, and would like a quote, do email me, I will only be happy to give you a quick and relevant quote within 24 hours. As a former journalist I know what it means to get quotes, and how your work is judged by the "smart" quotes you get from people. You can first search my blog to find if I have anything interesting to say about the subject and then proceed.
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