
Friday, July 14, 2006

Something for artists to drool over!

Fellow ryzer Ajay Mahajan has launched his creative hub artizensworld for creative people that integrates, you won’t believe this, more than forty art forms into a unified platform. But do believe this: they have covered art, craft, writing, performing arts, ceramics, glass, sculpture, handicrafts.

The design is catchy, the copy is crisp, the features, are, well, what a creative person would drool over. If you are a creative person, in any branch of the arts you should visit this site.

You can register in various types of membership and benefit from reviews of your work by Art Gurus or let Mentors take you under their wings.

I am registering right away. As a wannabe writer, sketcher, some time painter (remember, I ranked sixth in a government art examination, and all that) this is something I have been waiting for quite a long time.
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1 comment:

  1. Dear John,

    Warm greetings from CREX! Welcome aboard Artizensworld.I am happy to note that the portal matches your expectations.

    I hope, rather I am certain, you will enjoy your stay with us.

    Looking forward to seeing your works on this exclusive platform for Art, Craft and Design, which gives you space for multiple expressions, through audio, video, image and text uploads.

    Your feedback is always welcome, as usual!

    Thanks one again.

    Ajay Mahajan


Hi, thanks for your sweetness and consideration to comment on my post. However, I have disabled anonymous comment for obvious reasons. Leave a honest comment and we can discuss it, toss it back and forth like a ball across a tennis court!