
Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Dan launches blog: Writers Against Terrorism (((applause)))

Stumbled on this quote by accident: “For us Africans, literature must serve a purpose: to expose, embarrass, and fight corruption and authoritarianism... .It is understandable why the African artist is utilitarian,” written by African writer Ama Ata Aidoo. Methinks even in India writing must serve a social and utilitarian purpose. We writers must stop being woolly headed as most of us are. That's why I have great admiration for Arundhati Roy. Her sort of commitment is rare, at least among writers.

Somehow, in some consonance with this noble sentiment, friend, writer, actor, and poet, Dan Hussein has started a collaborative blog “Writers Against Terrorism.” Atta boy, Dan, you deserve applause for this one. Here's one more feather in your cap. Here’s Dan's poetry blog.
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