
Friday, July 21, 2006

Blogging is back in business, after a spell of clogging!

Blogspot is back! I guess my following email to Prime Minister Manmohanji worked. Thank you Prime Minister Manmohanji. A lot of people would claim credit for this, but, yes, we stood as one, though bloggers as such are an unruly lot.

But, oh, it had to happen when I was ramping up the visits to my blog, which was hovering around twenty to twenty-five a day has plummeted to eight to twelve per day. No worry! Will catch up soon.

How I rue that I hadn’t put a counter on my blog earlier, though I started blogging as early as August 2003 (Come to think of it I will be completing three years of blogging on August 23). Happy third anniversary!
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  1. I wrote to the President! Maybe THAT had something to do with it :)

  2. Hi

    Yes definitely:)

    How are you doing? LOng time.



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