
Thursday, June 15, 2006

Random thoughts for today!

It has something to do with working in an outsourcing unit. After all, you are a minion and nothing more. Even if you aspire for more, you know you will make it to the leader of minions, nothing more. Where is the independence you craved, the attainment of freedom you once wanted, the things you wanted to achieve and call your own?

All existential angst of a world that has gone from one big place that could at best be navigated in eighty days, to an interconnected, closely linked village where anybody is just a chat or a short message away. Yesterday I was traveling with a colleague and mentioned that fifteen years earlier I didn’t know what a website or a blog was and today I am a prolific daily blogger. It is really frightening, this sudden leaps in technology. I feel that if I don’t keep in touch I would be a dinosaur in no time.

Really, a call or visit to Delhi or Kerala is not what it used to be in those days. Nowadays a call to the US is the usual thing. Distances have contracted, times zones have collapsed, man has created more time for to agonize over Beckham and Victoria’s personal life and preferences. I watch a lot of football these days. Can’t resist soccer, my favorite sport.

According to this must read article for Indian BPOsyou really can’t say how long India will hold on to its outsourcing pie. China is following closely on our heels, though revenue from IT enabled service is around half of India’s $ 12.7 billion a year. A cause for worry is that inflation is driving up wage bills in India, and that may prove detrimental. As my friends in Shakespeare & Co. are fond of saying “More anon.”

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