
Monday, June 12, 2006

Manic Monday Musing!

Another Monday morning. The usual ennui the usual reluctance to get back to work, the usual everything. Here comes a query from a colleague. I hate queries. Argghhh. Aaah. Here’s divine coffee from the canteen, guess that would drive away the blues, like that song, who sang it? “Just another manic Monday,” that girl Madonna. So it’s tired sinews, aching limbs, throbbing head back to the daily grind.

Interesting thing is I am using a tool for posting direct from Word into my blog. That’s a lot of time saved. After all who wants to open “blogger” type the username and password and then wait for the posting window to open after ages. And then the “Publishing” icon that keeps rotating, rotating, for ages. Just do a search of “Word tool for Blogger” and you will get the link to this software, provided by Blogger itself.


  1. Think "Manic Monday" was by "Bangles"--an all girl American group, featuring Susan Hoffs on guitar and lead vocals.


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